No Stressy, Bestie

USD 28.00

100 mL

A spritz for strength in letting go of the things you cannot control and strength in influencing the things that you can.

This gorgeous spritz is filled with Magnesium, Aloe, Lavender and a Chamomile hydrosolI. Each spritz celebrates the quiet riot inside and the vision that we all have to thrive.

We want to see the world thrive, don’t we?

Amethyst gives the No Stressy, Bestie grounded vision and big picture understanding. It satisfies the cravings for softness. The botanicals soothe and serve the nervous system to restore and revitalize the spirit.

This Spritz is a cloud to rest your weariness on so you can run your circus the way you want to. Perfect as a room and body spray, this also works on pillows for sweet dreams and positive thoughts.

Lavender aids in rejuvenation and clear communication. Chamomile is for the gentle warrior and the worn thin. Fun Fact: Magnesium is most absorbed through the skin…

Spritz liberally, baby!

Gimme →


  • Spritz your body intentionally to say farewell to stress, soothe nerves and encourage sound sleep.

  • Distilled water, Magnesium, Chamomile hydrosol*, Aloe*, Witch hazel,

    Lavender*, Mica, Amethyst essence, potassium sorbate


  • Salvation Salve for the love of Lavender

    Magnesium Magic for the love of relaxation

    Diamond Eyes for the love of floral notes

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